CLF Stock, #1 Hedge Against Inflation?Big Competitive Edge ?Massive Upside Potential!?

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Cleveland-Cliffs stock’s earnings per share this year are up 1400%, and odds are that this stock has a lot farther to rise. Ticker, CLF, has a big competitive edge in the steel industry as they mine their own raw materials. Cleveland Cliffs is benefiting from inflation and the diminishing steel supply due to the sanctions against Russia. Check out this video, and why this stock likely has a long way yet to rise in price!

Video contents:

0:00:00 Why steel such a hot commodity right now. How I make profits off “theme momentum stocks” like CLF.

0:01:55 Steel benefiting from sanctions against Russia, and steel supply constraints.

0:02:04 CLF Yahoo Finance profile, stock chart growth and company stats: market cap, eps, volume traded per day.

0:02:37 Cleveland-Cliffs’ competitive edge, and what they do. Coverage of the entire steel supply range.

0:03:40 Highlights of CLF’s wins in 2021, and 3-year revenue massive growth!

0:04:15 CLF, the top steel manufacturer for EV’s. How they have an edge in the electric vehicle marketplace.

0:04:49 CLF’s 1-year, 3-year and 5-year performance against the S&P 500 and the XME, metals and mining, ETF. CLF covering the entire steel lifecycle with a recent purchase.

0:06:15 Review of CLF’s financials: income, balance sheet and Cash statement, including the crucial Free Cash Flow.

0:08:08 CLF’s stock chart: 5-year, Year-to-date and 1-month. And look at the company’s insider and institutional ownership, short float and stock performance.