ENZC Stock 2022?Catalysts & Forecast?Penny Stock Movers Update??

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On Friday, November 26th, the market had a big pullback related to the new COVID strain Omicron? We saw big boosts to COVID therapeutic related stocks such as Pfizer, and also to Enzolytics per this Yahoo Finance profile. Enzolytics, ticker ENZC, is a great stock to watch for more price bumps upon negative COVID type news.

This current ENZC stock chart shows that unfortunately ENZC’s stock is back to its slide downward. Like most OTC stocks with low or no revenues, ENZC is getting hit hard due to looming interest rate increases. It’s now a race for ENZC to release products and build revenues, before funding for their operations gets more expensive. Stick around and I’ll share the positive news regarding potential spikes in 2022 revenues for ENZC’s stock, and I’ll also give you my opinion if this stock is a buy at this point.

OTC stocks are highly volatile and risky, so today we are going to dive into the details of ENZC, to determine if this would be a good bet to build a portfolio.

I did spend hours poring through articles and HCMC’s financials, to aid in a decision whether it made sense to buy shares of this stock. Especially, to hold for the long-term, and that potential big run-up in price.

In the past I worked for years with Fortune 500 CFOs and financial consulting teams, to help companies determine where they were making money. Now I use this expertise to dig into HCMC’s details.

But this is not financial advice, and for entertainment only.

In looking back at 72 tickers I day-traded in 2018, if I had done the type of analysis I’m sharing with you today, I would have held on to more of these stocks. 77% of them would mean big profits today. I spent just $37,000 on seven of these trades, that would now be worth $441,598! The purpose of this series is to help uncover these stock gems that have better odds of make big profits

This OTC short report shows that ENZC’s percentage of shorted volume is an average of 26% over a recent 5-day period. So still quite high, putting downward pressure on the stock. Also, ENZC’s security details reveal a large float of 2.1 billion shares, making it hard to move this stock upward.

Now for the positive ENZC news:

Enzolytics is one of my favorite OTC stocks with their approach to creating therapeutics to treat debilitating diseases, including HIV and COVID. What’s really exciting is ENZC’s improvement in their financials, plus new development manufacturing agreement with Samsung This agreement was made to speed up Enzolytics’ progress toward therapy production and approvals. Once this is all done, this should mean a good price spike in this stock.

This is Lynn and welcome back! So Let’s dive in and look at Enzolytics. But first, if you could give this video a thumbs up for all my efforts it would be greatly appreciated, and while you’re at it subscribe.

To help you understand all the exciting milestones that Enzolytics has planned over the next year, I grabbed this timeline screenshot off GodfatherCapital’s twitter feed. I found this to be very helpful as there is a lot going on with this stock. Of course, there are no guarantees that Enzolytics will hit these milestones, but hang on for the details.

Some exciting news for Enzolytics is the new revenue they are expecting for sales in 2022. Next year they will begin selling their ITV-1 therapy in Africa.  ITV-1 is a suspension of Inactivated Pepsin Fraction (IPF), which studies have shown is effective in treating HIV/AIDS. Enzolytics will also be selling their IPF Immune in the US, Enzoimmune Active in other regions, and VET monoclonal antibody therapy in A2, 2022. If the revenues appear like they should, we can expect to see an effect on the ENZC stock!

What’s really great for Enzolytics investors is per their latest financial statement that their revenues are increasing while their losses are also dropping. To understand the significance of this change to you as an investor, after this video, you’ll want to view my video on: 5 Signs a Penny Stock is Worth Millions! which I will link in the description below.

Other great news is that earlier this month Enzolytics’ COO Gaurav Chandra, M.D. tweeted that ENZC’s analysis of isolates of the #Omicron Variant confirmed that the conserved epitopes are also FULLY conserved in the Omicron Variant – so effective against this Rona Roni virus variant as well.

From this December 2nd article, you see here, Enzolytics explains that it is now critical that monoclonal antibodies be produced that target the conserved epitopes on the CoronaVirus identified by the Company using its A.I. analysis. These identified conserved sites are also (Bconfirmed as existing in each of the now known “Variants of Concern” and “Variants of Interest”. These conserved epitope sites on the CoronaVirus are claimed in the Company’s now pending patent applications filed early in 2020

Using Artificial Intelligence, Enzolytics has identified immutable conserved epitopes for numerous viruses and is focused on producing monoclonal antibodies targeting these sites. The Company has fully analyzed over 87,000 HIV isolates using A.I. and over 2 million COVID-19 isolates to identify conserved epitopes. Antibodies are being produced targeting these conserved sites.

The article also added that Enzolytics also utilizes A.I. to assess the effects of end , and the Human Microbiome on infectious diseases, mental health disorders, and chronic medical diseases. To understand the breadth of ENZC’s research and therapies in process: ENZC builds prediction models for infectious diseases, mental health disorders, and chronic medical diseases. Identifies biomarkers for infectious diseases, mental health disorders, and chronic medical diseases. While also identifying strategies for infectious diseases, mental health disorders, and chronic medical diseases.

You’re probably wondering when you will see more results from all this ENZC research? Currently, Enzolytics is using multiple processes to accelerate the production of their monoclonal antibody therapies.

Through leveraging accelerated technology systems including hybridoma technology, Phage Display, antigen-specific single B cell sorting, and monoclonal antibody cloning platforms, Enzolytics can now produce the desired antibodies in shorter time frames.

What’s really great for us as investors is that Enzolytics has a newly established strong working relationship with Samsung Biologics. Samsung provides end-to-end services to support Enzolytics from cell line development, clinical drug substance, and drug product manufacturing services to supporting therapy filings.

If you haven’t heard about ENzolytic’s next move yet, ENZC is now marketing ENZOYTICS IPF IMMUNE THERAPUTICS. It’s a liquid nutritional supplement immune modulator that fortifies the immune system against infections while supporting the body’s antioxidant defense. This is a product that the US needs with all the Rona Roni virus variants popping up. Enzolytics has initiated production, and sales will begin in the North American market in the coming year. In addition, the Company has entered into a long-term contract with a National Distributor for sales, marketing, and distribution of the product throughout North America. This should be another promising source of revenues for Enzolytics.

  1. The primary IPF ingredient modulates the immune system and may be used alone or as a complimentary therapy for various diseases.

This article shares a little more about the significance of the Samsung partnership in furthering the approvals and release of Enzolytics’ therapies:

Enzolytics Inc. and Samsung Biologics are now working together on the Development and Manufacturing for Anti-HIV and Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Monoclonal Antibody Therapies. Samsung will provide end-to-end CDMO services from cell line development, clinical drug substance, and drug product manufacturing services. They will also support the IND filings for Anti-HIV and Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Monoclonal Antibodies for the treatment of HIV and SARS-CoV-2.To further explain the relationship between the two organizations, a CDMO, or contract development and manufacturing company like Samsung Biologics is a company that provides drug development and manufacturing services. Pharmaceutical companies like Enzolytics