ENZC Stock Be Rich?HUGE New Catalysts ?Penny Stock Exploding $ENZC??


Today I have exciting news about Enzolytics, ticker symbol ENZC, and their innovative monoclonal antibodies and progress toward combatting Corona Virus and HIV.

ENAC is a stock to watch, as it is well advanced into its European clinical trials, with potential expansion to the US. What is great also is that, although Enzolytics, like many penny stocks, had been sliding earlier this year after it’s huge run-up in 2020, as you can see here ENZC’s stock chart has now been gradually progressing upward over the past month. Here also is a stock chart reflecting current levels of support and resistance.

So let’s get into what could be causing this stock recovery, that may also be pointing to a much big bang upward for this stock in the future.

Hi this is Lynn, and welcome back! Before we get into the video, all I ask is that you give this video a thumbs-up in return for all my efforts.

And remember this is not financial advice but for entertainment only.

First let’s discuss Enzolytics progress against COVID-19. In a September 26, 2021 article Enzolytics pointed on their website, titled, “National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day.” They refer to Monoclonal Antibodies Are Now Being Recognized as a Significant Therapeutic for Treating COVID-19.

They point out a new wave of recognition emerging regarding the significance of monoclonal antibodies. Previously, the U.S. government had spent $2.65 Billion on the Regeneron monoclonal antibodies and on August 20, 2021, the UK approved the Regeneron/Roche antibodies cocktail for COVID-19. It’s great that now there is now widespread recognition of the potential effectiveness and role that monoclonal antibodies can play in current and future pandemics.

In this article Enzolytics describes how their process differs from Regeneron’s.  Regeneron antibodies are produced by the company’s VelocImmune® mice, which have been genetically modified to have a human immune system.

But Enzolytics’ process does not use mice but a proprietary methodology for creating for producing a specific monoclonal antibody secreted by human immune B cells. These cells are obtained from convalescent donor patients. Then Enzolytics isolates a single cell that produces a monoclonal antibody targeting a specific binding site on the virus.

There has been some confusion regarding how exactly Enzolytics’ monoclonal antibodies are produced and are expected to produce excellent outcomes for patients. This description helps clear this up.

A primary distinction of the Enzolytics process for creating fully human monoclonals is the starting point that is from human “immune-B cells” from people who have survived a “natural” Corona Virus infection. These antibodies retain the original natural antibody benefits and have a lower risk of a negative immune response when used as a therapeutic. These therapies are expected to provide broad-spectrum coverage against all variants of the virus.

On August 21, 2021, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced that the State of Florida opened a new monoclonal antibody therapy treatment site. “The Governor is focused on raising awareness that monoclonal antibodies save lives while reducing severe illness and risk of hospitalization.” The governor also stated that they will continue to open more sites to support Floridians’ ability to receive this treatment which has been proven to be safe and effective.”

In his statement, Governor DeSantis also acknowledged that monoclonal antibodies are proven as successful therapies in other illnesses and do not carry the suspect confusion surrounding the mRNA technology.

Enzolytics points out that monoclonal antibodies are not new to medicine but were invented in 1976 by Georges Köhler and César Milstein who were awarded the Nobel Prize for their discovery. They are currently successfully produced and administered in treating autoimmune diseases, along with cancer tumors and Ebola. The use of monoclonal antibodies, so far, has been limited but is now expanding as their unique effectiveness and safety are being recognized.

Enzolytics points out that Erin McCreary, director of stewardship innovation at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, has treated 3,427 patients with monoclonal antibodies. Erin stated that, we have a long way to go on how to reach the general public with these therapies. It is absolutely the standard of care for Covid-19,” she said. “It is my hope that clinics know that.”

Enzolytics has recognized this fact for decades having produced anti-HIV monoclonal antibodies.

The process of producing monoclonal antibodies follows nature’s role in attempting to ward off infectious viruses when the body naturally produces antibodies. Unfortunately, while the body recognizes viruses, it produces polyclonal antibodies in response—not all of which are neutralizing. In its process, Enzolytics isolates a single B cell and clones it so that it produces monoclonal antibodies to a specific part of the virus. To be successful and avoid virus escape due to mutation, an unchanging target must be identified and the antibody produced to attack that site. Enzolytics accomplished this by screening over 57,000 Corona Virus isolates then narrowing the screening to approximately 1 million isolates. Finally, Enzolytics identifies the conserved sites which become the targets.

Florida’s Governor DeSanctis has stated that monoclonal antibodies are a therapy that simulates how the body protects us from viruses and bacteria.

In a podcast in an August 2020 Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, head of the NIH, reported that the U.S. government had commissioned and prepaid millions for doses of anti-Corona Virus monoclonal antibodies. Successful monoclonal antibodies were not supplied, which demonstrates the critical importance of producing monoclonal antibodies that target an unchanging site on the virus.

More recently, in Dr. Fauci’s presentation on August 3, 2021, Fauci said that “monoclonal antibodies turned out to be an early success but they have had their vulnerability particularly when you deal with the variants…” Enzolytics explained that apparently, those monoclonal antibodies from Eli Lilly and AstraZeneca failed because of virus mutation, and the emergence of “variants”.

This history highlights the fact that the process is one that is complex and must be precisely executed. If the produced antibody attacks a part of the virus that mutates, as the NIH did in the production of their

Anti-HIV monoclonal antibodies, they fail. The Emergency Use Authorization for Eli Lilly’s and AstraZeneca’s anti-Coronavirus monoclonal antibodies were then revoked due to lack of effectiveness.

Enzolytics is producing 19 fully human monoclonal antibodies each targeting a conserved unchanging site on the Coronavirus. While experts now agree that one monoclonal antibody is good, they also agree that multiple antibodies are better.

What’s really great is that monoclonal antibodies can be produced against multiple viruses and Enzolytics plans the production of antibodies against a wide variety of viruses, from Influenza to Ebola, HIV, Small-Pox and Anthrax.

Enzolytics is proud to be on the leading edge of developing strategic therapeutics to successfully treat HIV. The focus is on treatments that don’t cause the significant negative side effects from current antiretroviral, or ARV, therapies – currently the only therapy available to treat HIV. The negative side effects from ARV treatment include kidney failure, liver damage, heart disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes.

As HIV patients live longer, these side effects become even more pronounced. Also, 26% of infected HIV patients, worldwide, cannot access treatment. Today, 37 million individuals are living with HIV, and over 1.8 million are children. Tragically, 320 children and adolescents die every day from HIV.

Here again, Enzolytics is producing fully human monoclonal antibodies that neutralize the HIV virus.

Enzolytics, Inc. is developing two separate but complementary therapies for treating HIV. The Company is in the final development of one therapy identified as “Clone 3”, which has been shown in in vitro studies to fully neutralized over 95% of all strains and viral subtypes of HIV-1.

Because the Company’s monoclonal antibodies are produced to target epitopes on the virus that do not change, virus mutations will not negate the neutralizing effect of the monoclonal antibody therapy. Significant testing has demonstrated this fact.

To expand on the Company’s proprietary technology for producing fully human monoclonal antibodies, the Company has applied Artificial Intelligence to identify additional conserved, immutable target sites on the HIV virus. Using this process, an additional seven conserved sites on HIV have been identified. This analysis also confirmed that the site against which the Company’s already produced anti-HIV monoclonal antibody, Clone 3, targets one of these identified conserved sites on the HIV virus. Overall, 87,336 HIV isolates were analyzed through Enzolytics’ use of A.I.

These Company monoclonal antibodies have been amino acid sequenced using spectrometry and polymerase chain reaction methodologies. Using these identifying sequences, the Company’s partnering CRO labs are creating pharmaceutical-grade material for use in final invitro validation testing, followed by animal and clinical trials.

Multiple antibodies targeting the identified 7 conserved immutable sites on the HIV virus are being created and this same procedure is followed to produce multiple monoclonal antibodies. This will permit the administration of a “cocktail” therapy which will be significantly more effective than administrating just one monoclonal antibody.

In the meantime, per this OTC Short Report, you can see that short sellers are continuing to put a significant amount of downward pressure on this stock. So be careful with your trades. I am a big believer in Enzolytics’ focus, but due to unpredictable nature, I never put money in an OTC stock that I can’t afford to lose.

I’d love to hear your comments about ENZC or any other stock that you are liking right now.