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ENZC Stock Price Prediction 2025 (HUGE New Catalysts) Penny Stocks to BUY NOW-$ENZC

If you haven’t heard of Enzolytics, Ticker Symbol, ENZC– you’ll want to discover the incredible details of this medical therapies’ development company. Enzolytics is one of the most exciting organizations that I’ve reviewed to date, that is now changing the “face of medicine.” What’s great for you as an investor is that ENZC is currently listed at less than 20 cents per share.

Hi investing friends, this is Lynn, so Let’s go and review today’s hot stock!

No longer will patients have to weigh the often, terrifying potential side-effects of drug therapies for life-threatening diseases, versus possibly improved outcomes. Enzolytics medical therapies, now in development, are reported to have zero side-effects! You’ll want to listen to the details now to find out why, and how this could potentially build a portfolio!

In May, I provided a detailed review of Enzolytics that I will link at the end of this video, and in the description below. Today, my plan is to aid you in understanding new catalysts that could send this stock shooting upward over the next two years. We will also do a deep dive into their financials, to help you understand if this stock has the financial runway to make it to that potential big win!

In the past I worked for years with Fortune 500 CFOs and financial consulting teams, to help companies determine where they were making money. Now I use this expertise to dig into ENZC’s details.

But this is not financial advice, and for entertainment only.  Remember that this is an OTC stock, so very risky.

In looking back at 72 tickers I day-traded in 2018, if I had done the type of analysis I’m sharing with you today, I would have held on to more of these stocks. 77% of them would mean big profits today. I spent just $37,000 on seven of these trades, that would now be worth $441,598! The purpose of this series is to help uncover these stock gems that have better odds of make money in the long run.

Enzolytics, Inc. is a drug development Company committed to the commercialization of its proprietary proteins and monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of debilitating infectious diseases. The Company is advancing multiple therapeutics targeting a large number of infectious diseases. One patented and clinically tested compound, ITV-1, or Immune Therapeutic Vaccine-1, is a suspension of Inactivated Pepsin Fraction, known as IPF. Studies have shown that ITV-1 is effective in treating HIV/AIDS.

Enzolytics is also implementing its proprietary technology to produce fully human monoclonal antibodies against infectious diseases, including HIV, rabies, influenza A, influenza B, tetanus, and diphtheria, and many more. Its proprietary methodology for producing fully human monoclonal antibodies is currently employed to produce therapeutics for numerous infectious diseases, including the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and HTLV-1.

A June 14th article published on Yahoo Finance shared big news that Enzolytics, now plans to advance its previously tested ITV-1, anti-HIV therapeutics to clinical trials and then distribution throughout Europe.  These trials, once successful, will provide a significant revenue source to Enzolytics, and a huge milestone for human health and the company’s profitability. This would be a big win!

The Company’s ITV-1 anti-HIV therapeutics had previously progressed toward certification under the Bulgarian Drug Agency, but this process was interrupted. Now, Enzolytics is planning clinical trials under the European Medicines Agency, or EMA.

Here are some highlights from the steps that Enzolytics is taking to bring its anti-HIV ITV-1 therapeutic to patients:

  • The Company has formed International Medical Partners Ltd. (IMPL) in partnership with European partners.
  • IMPL is owned equally by the Company and its partners, and is licensed to distribute the ITV-1 therapeutic in the 27 European countries covered by the EMA, plus 15 others including: Russia, the Ukraine, and Lithuania.
  • The clinical trials will be funded fully by the Company’s European partners in IMPL. None of the clinical trials costs will be borne by the Company.

The Company’s two-year audit is proceeding in accordance with GAAP requirements and will be completed and filed as soon as possible. If this audit is made available on the SEC’s website, I will bring you a detailed update.

Harry Zhabilov, CSO of ENZC, stated, “This is the second time ITV-1 has gone through clinical trials and the first trials were successful, our confidence is at an all-time high regarding permitting, and with the reciprocal treaty between the EMA and FDA.”

CEO Charles Cotropia said, “The Company’s objective is to provide new, better and safer therapeutics to treat HIV. Currently, treatment is solely through the lifelong use of antiretrovirals, or ARVs, which are expensive and have long lasting, negative effects on the body. The costs for these ARVs are excessive – from $27,540 to $42,635 per year, with a lifetime costs of up to $350,000.

New therapies, that are less expensive and more effective, are desperately needed. Providing these improved therapies are our Enzolytics objective.”

On June 7th an article also published on Yahoo Finance, revealed more exciting news! Enzolytics also has a planned protocol to address existing and future pandemics. This protocol has been defined through the Company’s collaboration with Intel Corporation, to leverage Intel’s computerized Artificial Intelligence, or AI, to accelerate health care discoveries and development.

Enzolytics’ partnership with Intel is focused on achieving groundbreaking drug discovery and development pathways. This AI work includes exploring monoclonal antibodies interaction with viruses in a 3-dimensional view. The result is the creation of new innovative pathways for drug discovery and development.

The Company is actively exploring biotech partnerships, to advance and provide effective therapies and cures for existing and new viral illnesses. Enzolytics is now seeking a collaboration to fully implement the following protocols, including:

    • Application of computer analysis through Artificial Intelligence, or AI, to analyze the amino acid sequences of targeted viruses in order to identify the conserved, immutable, and neutralizable target sites (epitopes) on targeted viruses. Enzolytics has accomplished this goal for HIV, the Coronavirus and HTLV-1. Now the company is in the process of doing the same for a long list of diseases including: Influenza A and B, Ebola, Small-Pox, Tetanus, Diphtheria, Rabies and Anthrax,
    • Enzolytics also plans the implementation of this A.I. analysis on any new virus, immediately upon its emergence, anywhere in the world.
  • This A.I. analysis identifies the conserved, immutable, and neutralizable target sites on a virus. The identification of these target sites enables Enzolytics to produce monoclonal antibodies that target immutable, or unchanging, epitopes for the administration of combination therapies.
    • The Company’s monoclonal antibodies are uniquely produced from human ‘immune-B cells,’ obtained from convalescent individuals who have recovered from a target virus.
    • Given the production method, a ‘Black Box Warning’ (a warning of potential adverse reactions) would not be expected to apply to the Company’s produced antibodies.

This protocol is now being executed and may be applied to any virus, using the Company’s existing technology. The first step of using A.I. to identify conserved, immutable target sites has been completed by Enzolytics for HIV, the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), and the HTLV-1 virus. With regard to the HIV virus, the Company has screened more than 87,336 HIV isolates, the largest known repository of HIV isolates known. From this extensive A.I. analysis, seven conserved sites, taking a conservative approach, were identified on HIV. This analysis also confirmed that the site against which the Company’s already produced anti-HIV monoclonal antibodies, named Clone 3, targets one site on the HIV virus.

Likewise, Enzolytics has completed the same type of analysis for the Coronavirus and HTLV-1. Using A.I., the Company screened more than 50,512 Coronavirus isolates, immutable sites which are neutralizable. From these findings of 19 neutralizable sites on the Coronavirus, Enzolytics is producing a cocktail of targeted anti-SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies.

Experts acknowledge the necessity of treating with multiple monoclonal antibodies. More importantly, the target sites must be immutable sites to avoid “virus escape” for the therapeutics to be effective. By producing related antibodies against each targeted site on the virus, Enzolytics will enable the administration of a ‘cocktail’ of antibodies, each of which will have effect also on mutations of the virus. This is truly incredible news!

Enzolytics has filed Patents regarding these discoveries.

What is more, is that Enzolytics is also leveraging A.I. analysis, to identify, and claim the conserved epitopes or antigens on a long list of additional infectious diseases including Ebola, Influenza A and B, H1N1 influenza, Small-Pox, Tetanus, Rabies, and Anthrax.

The Company expects to accelerate its development of these highly significant therapeutics and test its monoclonal antibodies in combination with its patented and clinically tested anti-HIV peptide ITV-1. These tests are expected to validate a synergistic effect of combining the two anti-HIV therapeutics.

Now let’s dive into the key financials for Enzolytics.

This Yahoo Finance Profile for Enzolytics shows the company has a market cap of 404 million, and an average trading volume of 40 million shares per day, which is a huge number for a stock of this size. Obviously, Enzolytics is a favorite with day traders.

One of the biggest risks of OTC stocks, is their lack of financial stability. Investors often choose OTC stocks because of the low cost, and potential high profits. But there is always a risk that you will lose some or all of your investment. So, I began a deep dive into Enzolytics’ financial reports, only to find out that Enzolytics has not filed a single financial report with the SEC since the 8-K filed in April of 2020. The related financial reporting requirements are very lax, especially for OTC pink sheet stocks like ENZC. Investing in these stocks, without knowing these key details, can feel like flying blindfolded! So, unfortunately, I don’t have any helpful financial details to share until Enzolytics releases new financials. As I mentioned they do have a financial GAAP analysis in process.

You will see here that ENZC is heavily shorted. as the revealed a 57% short interest on June, 18th then a 32% short interest on June 22. And, the number of shorts appear to range primarily between these two percentages.

I always love hearing from you, so please let me know in the comments below, what your thoughts are about Enzolytics, or other stocks you are excited about right now. Go here to discover more hidden gems in our Penny Stock Videos or my playlist for Enzolytics Videos.