Stock Investing, Passive income and growing wealth!
We review stocks, Exchange Traded Funds, Dividend investments and more. A knowledge center for you to leverage to discover more ways to make money.
Stock Market INvesting
Penny Stocks
Potential high profits, but high risk investments. Together we do a deep analysis, to discover stocks that are better bets!
Exchange TRaded Funds
An excellent place to start passive income investing, especially in ETFs that historically have increased in value over time, despite deep dips.
Dividend Investing
Deep analysis to pinpoint stocks with attractive dividends that also, on average, grow in value over time.
Knowledge Center
Growth Stocks
The average growth stock company is not yet profitable, but can be estimated to have a high future value. The stock prices can fluctuate extremely due to market and company news and economic factors.
Investing Knowledge
Self-education opportunities to learn how to analyze a stock, and leverage indicators like Heikin-Ashi candlesticks, and trend lines.
Passive income
Here we seek places to park our money that can bring in a regular income. We also look at side hustles that can get us to financial independance faster.